Willows Ingredients are the main sponsors at the Midlands Connemara Pony Breeders Show 2017
Willows Ingredients Carmelia and David Scrivens enjoy a wonderful day at the Midlands Connemara Pony Breeders Show. Willows was once again proud to be the main sponsor of this yearly event and a great time was had by all.

Proud owner Padraic Folan from Inverin, Co. Galway owner of the Midlands All Ireland Connemara Broodmare Cloverhill Princess Jade exhibited by his sons Paid & Sean as he receives the Willows Ingredients Ltd Trophy from David and Carmelia Scrivens and the Lady de Vesci cup from Lord Tom deVesci

At the Midlands show, David Scrivens – Willows Ingredients main show sponsors , Mary Ledwith, wife of show President George Ledwith, George Ledwith , and Carmelia Scrivens – Willows Ingredients main show sponsors.

David & Carmelia Scrivens from Willows Ingredients Ltd, main show
sponsors presenting the trophy to Joe Burke exhibitor of the winner Manor Duke